The property comprises a modern, steel portal frame clad externally with insulated profile metal sheets and a floated concrete floor. Internally, a trade counter / reception area and various offices have been formed with blockwork walls. Access is afforded via a roller shutter door (4.2m wide x 4.5m high)
The property is currently used for vehicle repairs and is fitted out with various ramps and lifts. The unit measures 26.7m deep x 18.4m wide.
The property is available for a negotiable period on FRI terms at a quoting rent of £26,500 for the unit and yard.
From sizes taken during our inspection we calculate the subject property, measured in accordance with the RICS Code of Measurement Practice (second edition, January 2018) to extend to the following approximate gross internal area (GIA):
The site is part of the area designated as proposal E3 in the Local Development Plan for the development of Employment Uses.
Interested parties should contact the Development Management department at Perth & Kinross Council via 01738 475 300 or
A closing date may be set and all interested parties should make a note of interest at the offices of the Joint Agents. We reserve the right to let the property without setting a closing date and we are not obliged to accept the highest or indeed any offer for the lease of the property.
The property is currently entered in the Valuation Roll as a combined entry with Unit G next door, so will require to be assessed. Interested parties should satisfy themselves on this.
A copy of the EPC is available on request.
All prices, premiums and rents quoted are exclusive of VAT.