The building comprises a 2 storey modern office pavilion. The available accommodation is on the first floor and can be split into 4 suites if required.
Rent available on request from the joint letting agents
The first floor can be let in whole totalling 11,381ft² (1,057m²) or alternatively the available suites ranging from 123ft² (11.5m²) to 2,690ft² (250m²) can be combined to accommodate specific requirements.
In addition, there are 52 car parking spaces available (1:219ft²) with EV charge points installed.
The accommodation has an EPC Rating of B.
We have been verbally advised by the Rates Authority that the rateable value of the current subjects with effect from 1 April 2023 is £117,000. (Each new occupier has the right of appeal against this figure).
For any of the smaller suites, the rates will need to be reassessed following works. An incoming tenant may also benefit from small business rates relief which could result in no rates being payable.
VAT, if applicable, will be charged at the standard rate.
All queries in relation to redevelopment/ reconfiguration of the subjects should be addressed to Stirling Council Planning Department.
A closing date may be set and all interested parties should make a note of interest at the offices of the Joint Agents. We reserve the right to sell or let the property without setting a closing date and we are not obliged to accept the highest or indeed any offer for the sale or lease of the property.