The subjects comprise an industrial unit of steel portal frame construction with brick and profile metal sheeted walls. The property is surmounted by a multi pitched roof overlaid in cement asbestos sheeting, We understand that the property was historically leased as five separate units although there is a currently a single occupier occupying the entire building.
The current tenant has occupied and traded the property as a vehicle body repair centre with a passing rent of £52,000 per annum on FRI terms expiring February 2024.
There is potential to negotiate and extend a new lease with the existing occupier or potentially subdivide the accommodation.
Offers over £595,000 are invited for the Heritable interest.
From sizes taken during our inspection we calculate the subject property, measured in accordance with the RICS Code of Measurement Practice (second edition, January 2018) to extend to the following approximate gross internal area (GIA):
All queries in relation to redevelopment/ reconfiguration of the subjects should be addressed to Falkirk Council Planning Department.
A closing date may be set and all interested parties should make a note of interest at the offices of the Sole Agent. We reserve the right to sell or let the property without setting a closing date and we are not obliged to accept the highest or indeed any offer for the sale/lease of the property.
Rateable value £44,750
All prices, premiums and rents quoted are exclusive of VAT.