Alloa is the third largest town within Central Scotland with a resident population of approximately 19,000 people and an estimated further catchment in the region of 50,000 people. Alloa is located approximately 9 miles east of Stirling and 6 miles north of the Kincardine Bridge and has excellent transport links to both Edinburgh and Glasgow.
The subjects are located on the south western side of Candleriggs between its junctions with Mill Street and East Vennel.
The subjects comprise a mid terrace ground floor retail unit contained within a three storey building.
Internally the unit originally provided a large open plan retail space which has currently been adapted to provide salon and two treatment rooms, rear storage/tea prep area and w.c. The unit benefits from a rear pedestrian loading door.
The unit is located opposite Dominos and next door to Screwfix with a Pure Gym opening in early summer time, offering high levels of footfall.
Lease from £7,000 per annum for a new FRI lease.
From sizes taken during our inspection we calculate the subject property, measured in accordance with the RICS Code of Measurement Practice (second edition, January 2018) to extend to the following approximate gross internal area (GIA):
The Property has a Class 1 retail consent. Any queries in relation to change of use should be addressed to Clackmannanshire Council Planning Department.
A closing date may be set and all interested parties should make a note of interest at the offices of the Sole Agent. We reserve the right to sell the property without setting a closing date and we are not obliged to accept the highest or indeed any offer for the sale of the property.
Rateable value £8,500.
A copy of the EPC will be available upon request.
All prices, premiums and rents quoted are exclusive of VAT .